How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077


How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

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The mission Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077 is part of the quest chain To the heat of love in a bar and begins after completing the mission Give me back my girl. This guide will show you the complete walkthrough of this mission, where to find specific items, and what dialogue and choices options can give the best result.

Meat tour for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

Talk to Judy Alvarez

The Meat for the Grinder mission begins after you have finished talking to Fingers during the end of the previous mission, when you go to the hallway, you will see Judy waiting for you to have a conversation. Choose the option "Don't worry, we'll find it" and "I need to find out where these things go" and "I'm going to take a look at Jig-Jig Street." Using these dialogue options will help you save a little time and continue with the mission.

Jig-JIg Street

While on Jig-Jig Street, go to your objective marker's sex shop. Once here, select the option that dice «I'm looking for a special kind of neurodance. » After a short conversation, you will need to find a special neurodance dealer.

How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

To find this neurodance dealer, you will have to go to the tunnel and look for two people talking to each other. Interrupt and talk to the dealer. Select the following dialog lines:

  • "I need a special neurodance"
  • "I want the one with the Death Butterfly insignia."
  • "Cops don't go out alone around here"

Neurox: Fried Death Butterfly It is the item you are looking for and it will cost you around a thousand Eurodollars, if you don't have the money you can always shoot the merchant and then loot him.

How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

After this talk to Judy in her truck, now to start watching the neuradance. You will have to find 3 things that you will have to scan here.

The first section you will have to scan the pizza box on the counter, in the second section you will have to scan the lab suit and finally, in the third section, you will have a cup that the woman places on the counter where you found the pizza.

How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

Scrap Metal Lab at Charter Hill

You will get the location of the lab at the old power plant in Chater Hill and this will be your next destination. We recommend that you choose the "It won't be safe in there" option. As you progress, Judy will follow you, as soon as you enter the main building.

To get to the main building, we choose the stealth option, todor what you have to do here is climb the piles of wood to the left of the truck. You can just barge in through the front door, it doesn't matter much, but make sure you select the option that suits your play style.

Eliminate todChoose the enemies you see and follow the marker, as soon as you enter the building you will be asked to enter the lower level of the laboratory. If you disable the cameras in each area, enemies will have a harder time defeating you.

Go to sublevels

Inside, you should be able to see Sector written on the wall, this will take you to a lower level. Be careful because there will be a group of scrap dealers waiting for you. Your job is to reach level -1.

Once you reach level -1, you will be accompanied by Judy, who you will have to take past the sublevels in this lab to find Evelyn Parker.

How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

TodOr what you have to do is follow the marker and eliminate whoever crosses your path. It's a mission bastAnte simple and it will take you to Evelyn, make sure to wait for Judy as she will help you open doors and take out some of the enemies along the way.

Save Evelyn Parker

When you get to the objective room, you will see Evelyn Parker hooked up to the machine by the bed. Wait for Judy before removing the cable that has been hooked to her.

How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077

Follow this line of dialogue: "[Pull] Now!" "[Incorporate] Let's get her to a safe place." Then you will have to take Evelyn and walk towards the elevator that Judy has activated.


That's todor what we are sharing today in How to complete Meat for the mincer in Cyberpunk 2077, since you are here the same you will want to know more about Mission walkthrough They won't be able to stop us And if there is anything you want to add, please feel free to leave a comment below. See you!