How to get the best ending of Cyberpunk 2077?


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Cyberpunk 2077 It has several endings, depending on the path you choose in a series of main missions. With more than six different endings, the game is set to surprise with many twists and turns. 

In this guide we will give you todto the information necessary to know how to unlock the best ending of Cyberpunk 2077.

How to get the GOOD ending in Cyberpunk 2077?


how to unlock the best ending of cyberpunk 2077

To unlock the best ending of Cyberpunk 2077 You'll have to let go of Johnny. It is necessary to maintain a good relationship with him during todor the game. As you progress towards the end of the game, some things change. For example, if you have completed todIf you do secondary jobs, you will see a different ending. Be nice to Johnny until you unlock the mission Night OP55N1.

Trust Arasaka for the final mission of the game. Johnny will not be happy with your decision, take Omega Blockers and proceed after saying goodbye. Follow the steps below to come to a good ending.

  1. Call Hanako. She will send a car to pick you up. Anders Hellman is the driver.
  2. Rescue Hanako and go to the Arasaka Tower.
  3. He attends the board meeting with Hanako and her father and reveals that Yorinobu killed Saburo.
  4. Defeat the Arasaka Guards and Chief Adam Smasher. Adam is the one who killed Johnny.
  5. Find Yorinobu and leave him with Hanako.
  6. Talk to Hellman, who will lead you to Mikoshi.
  7. Enter cyberspace to get your old friend back.
  8. Return to your body, you will be in the Arasaka orbital station. Hellman will offer you two options.

Arasaka Hellman Orbital Station - Which option to choose ?:

  1. To secure your soul, sign a contract to join the Arasaka pilot program.
  2. Refuse the contract and return to Earth, you will die before winter. You are not allowed to return and you will have a shelf life of 6 months.

The first option will unlock the best ending of Cyberpunk 2077. When I accept the Arasaka pilot program contract, you will secure your soul. He creates an engram of V's mind and stores it in Mikoshi.

This is todto the information you need to know how to unlock the best ending of Cyberpunk 2077. If you want to know about the other endings, visit this guide. If you want to read todto the information we have about Cyberpunk 2077 visit our wiki.