How to set and use reminders on an iPhone or iPad?


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If during your day to day you have a thousand things to do, the use of a reminder or planner will be of great help, since it reminds you of exactly the things you must do and the exact time. Therefore, if you have an Apple device and want to know how to set up and use reminders on an iPhone or iPad, this post interests you!

The first thing you should know is that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), It is characterized by offering high-end devices that have functions that other mobiles or tablets do not have. However, el use of a device Apple is very different from a Android and carrying out actions like setting a reminder can be a bit complicated. But do not worry! Today we bring you the answers to todas your questions.

How to set and use reminders on an iPhone or iPad

For set reminders on apple, the first thing you should do is custom the iCloud. To do this, you must enter Settings and then your account iCloud (where your name is) and search for reminders to allow actions on the device. Once this is done, you can easily access it to create reminders, either on the iPhone or on the iPad.

NOTE: : It is very important that you take into account that, on both devices, you must configure the iCloud. If it is not done in this way, the process does not work and you will waste time. It is an essential step to perform such basic configuration.

How to create a reminder on an iPhone?

The first thing you should do to create a reminder on an iPhone or iPad is (although it sounds very redundant) to enter the Reminders application. Then, you must press the “+ new reminder” button and write the name of the reminder in “title” and in “notes” todor whatever you need to remember.

Then you just have to save it and you will have your reminder ready. seems to be a process bastbefore simple, but what if you want to go further? For example, how can we set the date and see the more advanced options? Keep reading!

set the date

For set a date and time on the reminder, you must select the agenda or press the button that dice "date". In this way, you can schedule the reminder for a specific date. If no time is entered, the device will automatically set it for 9 o'clock. Therefore, if you want it to appear at another time, you must set it when you put the date.

set location

Did you know that you can set a reminder for a location? Basically, you just have to press the location button and set a reminder or notification based on where you are. So, whenever you visit the place or find yourself on that site, the device will notify you of the reminder.

Set labels

All the labels They help us organize reminders in case we have different types. To be able to establish labels, you just have to press the "labels" button and add it to the reminder you want. Basically, you can quickly organize them based on keywords. In a nutshell, you can organize them to know which reminder is most important or the one you have to do first.

Set an attachment

You can also add photos and documents. You just have to press the photo button and attach the file you want. In this way, you can complement the reminder for greater ease when viewing it. You just have to add it using the "attachments" button and search your files. 

set subtasks

All the subtasks they are reminders, but not considered primary. That is, you can set the reminder of a meal that you must make and, in turn, add the list of ingredients that you need as a subtask. To perform this function you only have to create two reminders: one with the main notification and another with the list of things you need. Then, you add the reminder with the list to the main one and it will be added automatically as a subtask. Both can have different notification dates and times. This way you will get them to inform you correctly about each one and you will not forget to do it.

Can a reminder be set in another way? - Itodthe iOS

In general, a basic and easier way to set reminder is using the voice assistant (Siri). However, these reminders are made only for the same day that they are requested, since Siri can't attach files to reminder or set tags, although you can notify reminders by location. To do this, you just have to configure and allow the location option in the Siri settings. In conclusion, setting up and using reminders on an iPhone or iPad is very easy. We hope this post has been useful to you. If you have any questions about it, you can leave it to us in the comments. What do you think? Do you think the reminders feature on an iPhone or iPad is useful? Would you use it daily? We want to know your opinion!