Hogwarts Legacy: Professor Ronen's Homework guide


homework guide teacher ronen

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If you want a Professor Ronen's Homework tutorial, you have come to the right place! You will have to complete Professor Ronen's Task after doing the main mission Weasley after class. In this article, you will find a complete guide to this mission, with instructions to obtain todos objectives, puzzle solutions and combat strategies.

Hogwarts Legacy: Professor Ronen's homework guide

After completing the main quest Weasley after class, you will have to do this task in order to continue and unlock next mission: Welcome to Hogsmeade.

To complete it, the first thing you have to do is leave the Transformation Classroom and follow the marker towards the patio, where it awaits you. Professor Ronen next to the statue.

Professor will ask you to pick up two fluttering pages around the area of ​​the two mission markers. We recommend that you use Revelio to see them once you are in the search area. Once located, aim at them and spear Accio. Afterwards, she returns to the courtyard with Professor Ronen.

Now you will have to learn how to use the Reparo Charm. After repairing the nearby statue, you will now have completed your first task and the next part of the story will be unlocked: welcome to hogsmeade.